I went to sleep on the lounge in front of Law and Order, and now I can’t get sleepy again. May as well blog.
My week in dot points:
- Went to school
- Explored DER laptop – found that webcam, that is supposed to be enable with Lenovo Easyshare, can’t be enabled with Lenovo Easyshare, because…….Lenovo Easyshare wasn’t rolled out with the laptop. DER indeed!
- Found that the webcam can be used with Adobe Premiere Elements, and something called Quickmark (must look into what that is)
- Moodle has taken off at Erina. Every man and his dog wants in.
- Ran PDHPE stall at Stage 6 Information evening. Ran a dodgy scrolling powerpoint and made the technonewbes amongst the staff nervous. No one wanted to be next to my stall because mine was too techno!
- Twitter stopped working tonight (or late last night, now). Amazing how I missed it!
- Twitter responsible for late night, the night before. Red Remover and Totem Destroyer , as introduced by another Tweeter, put me way past my bedtime. Both addictive (and fun)
Time to sleep